marți, 29 aprilie 2008
otet de mere
caini imbracati de halloween - preferata mea e "Bob as The Headless Horseman's horse"
duminică, 27 aprilie 2008
joi, 24 aprilie 2008
Ben Lee - Gamble Everything For Love
Gamble everything for love, gamble everything
Put it in a place you keep what you need
You can gamble everything for love if you’re free
You gotta gamble everything for love
Baby are ya cold, are ya cold baby
I could wrap you up, wrap you up in my love
If you wanna, you can gamble everything for love
If you wanna, you can gamble everything for love.
Tell me are you feeling lost, have you crossed
In the places that you never knew to get through
Tell me are you gonna cry all night
Tell me the truth, and I’ll tell you the truth
If you gamble everything for love
You gonna be alright, alright
Make a list of things you need, leave it empty
Except for number one, write “love”, gamble everything
Keep it under lock and key
If you wanna, you can gamble everything for love
Love me with an open heart tell me anything
We can find a place to start to gamble everything
We can set this thing apart, cos we’re gonna, gonna
Gamble everything for love
Tell me do you lose your way each day
Are there people you don’t recognise, do they lie?
Tell me does it make you feel too real?
Tell me the truth, and I’ll tell you the truth
If you gamble everything for love
You gonna be alright, alright
Oooh you can go your own way,
Oooh you can go your own way,
Oooh you gotta go your own way
If you gamble everything for love
If you gamble everything for love
Gamble everything for love, gamble everything
Put it in a place you keep what you need
You can gamble everything for love if you’re free
You gotta gamble everything for love
Tell me are you gettin’ hurt, is it worth it?
Tell me are the people strange, do they change?
Tell me are you letting go, do you know?
I’ll Tell you the truth, if you tell me the truth
If you gamble everything for love
If you gamble everything for love
If you gamble everything for love
You gonna be alright, alright
let's get physical
aici aveti un link cu o tipa care s-a apucat de slabit, si are toate sansele sa devina la fel cum este.
miercuri, 23 aprilie 2008
avere, coaie!
marți, 22 aprilie 2008
Roisin Murphy - Primitive
From the primordial soom
Out of the dim and the gloom we came
We are animals by any other name
From the primordial soom
Out of the dim and the gloom we came
We are animals, one unbroken chain
I need to get you out of your cave man
I need to let you out of your cage and set you free
If tonight's the night
I'm gonna show you I ain't got no game plan
Out from under a rock
From a prehistoric sea we crawl
We are animals, animal one and all
Out from under a rock
From the prehistoric sea we came
We are animals, animals, one unbroken chain
I know what you're searching for
I pray you find it on your instinct
I, I don't need you hurting boy animalistic
I need to get you out of your cave man
I wanna let you out of your cage and set you free
If tonight's the night
I'm gonna show you I ain't got no game plan
I need to get you out of your cave man
I wanna let you out of your cage and set you free
If tonight's the night
I'm gonna show you I ain't got no game plan
If you call out tonight
And hear the call of the wild reply
You are animal, animal not so deep inside
If you call out in vein
Every one of us just the same
We are animal, dare not speak its name
I know what you're searching for
I pray you find it on your instinct
I, I don't need your hurting boy animalistic
I need to get you out of your cave man (Primitive)
I wanna let you out of your cage and set you free
If tonight's the night
I'm gonna show you I ain't got no game plan (Primitive love for me)
I need to get you out of your cave man (Primitive)
I wanna let you out of your cage and set you free
If tonight's the night
I'm gonna show you I ain't got no game plan (Primitive love for me)
luni, 21 aprilie 2008
joi, 17 aprilie 2008
marți, 15 aprilie 2008
si tancul pe autobuz, care e mai sus?
in acelasi troleu, o roacarita terminata s-a uitat la mine tot drumu. era rupta. toata cavitatea bucala era plina de metale. in rest, negru peste tot. se uita insistent si suparator. nu doar ca she turned me off, dar m-a si scos din priza! nu m-a mai privit cineva atat de insistent in viata mea. mi-a violat intimitatea. nu am putut sa ma uit la ea mai mult de 0,5 sec, pentru ca ma lua cu friguri si tremureli.
peste vreo 4 ore, cand ma intorceam acasa m-am intalnit cu ea pe strada. era cu prietenu. m-a fixat cu privirea, pana am iesit din raza ei vizuală. oare ce vedea ea la mine? sunt constient ca sunt cel mai sexos mascul din europa centrala si de est, dar totusi.
luni, 14 aprilie 2008
regulile sunt astea:
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesnt make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Tag 5 people
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
precizez ca am muzica la comun cu fratii mei purcei
1. How are you feeling today?
IRIS - Erata
nu chiar
2. Will you get far in life?
Zamfir - The Lonely Shepherd
3. How do your friends see you?
Mylene Farmer - California
4. Will you get married?
missy elliot feat. nelly furtado - get ur freak on
5. What’s your best friend’s theme?
Enigma - The child in Us
6. What is the story of your life?
Psycho Real &B Real - The Flow
7. What was high school like?
Emil lassaria - Balada
8. How can you get ahead in life?
Armin van Buuren - Shivers
9. What is the best thing about your friends?
Immortal Technique - Creation And Destruction
10. What is in store for this weekend?
11. What song describes you?
The Cranberries - Analyse
s-a nimerit perfect. sunt analitic peste tot.
12. to describe your grandparents?
Anti-Flag - The Freaks, Nerds & Romantics
lol, rofl,lmao,ffs,wtf,omg, ce potriveala
13. How is your life going?
G Matthewman - Heat Haze.
14. What song will they play at your funeral?
Hilmar Orn Hilmarsson and Sigur Ros - Snoo.
mi-ar placea sa fie chiar asta, desi ma gandeam la un frank sinatra - my way :D
15. How does the world see you?
Rob Zombie - Scum Of The Earth
deci asa...
16. Will you have a happy life?
VeritaSaga - Omul paianjan
da. am avut, am si o sa am.
17. Do people secretly lust after you?
In-Grid-Tu Es Foutu (Dee Jay Andi RMX)
nu doar pipalii, ci si enimals and plents
18. How can I make myself happy?
Catalin Crisan - Daca pleci
melodie de mare finete.
19. What should you do with your life?
Hans Zimmer - Nyah
mai departe la gadjo dillo
m-am facut de shit
omule, daca citesti vreodata acest blog, and i hope u will, i'm sorry rau.
duminică, 13 aprilie 2008
poezie in autobuz
arata ca un cersetor calare pe jumatate de baiat de cartier schiop.
~30 da ani, sau mai putini dar bine traiti. avea cativa dinti emigranti. haine reparesti, vintage. bocanci de pieliţă intoarsa, bocsiţi roşu.
a inceput să spună o poezie. parcă erau versurile unei piese hip-hop. recita cu voce predicatoare. era un fel de KRS ONE la scara mai mica, şi cu vreo două trei trepte mai jos.
se uita lumea la el ca la urs, iar el se uita la lume ca ursul.
zicea ceva gen: (nu pun ghilimele pentru ca nu pot sa reproduc fiedel) oamenii sunt nimic, si tarana e lumina.
era adanc de felul lui. felul in care vorbea dadea senzaţia că improvizează. mi-a părut rău că nu l-am auzit prea bine. mi-a mai părut rău si că n-am avut schimbat mai mult de un leu. merita.
sâmbătă, 12 aprilie 2008
vineri, 11 aprilie 2008
fructe si legume
joi, 10 aprilie 2008
acest titlu este dedicat tuturor animalurilor care stie sa se distreze
ideea e ca, toate sperantele mele de a ma afirma in viata cultural-artistica s-au naruit.
cand am scris despre cainele din tramvai, credeam ca vin cu ceva ce n-a mai vazut neam de neamu vostru. ma vedeam milionar. gasisem un subiect in exclusivitate. o vaca de muls. un burete de stors. o melodie de dansat. dansul opulentei.
azi am vazut alt caine care a mers cu tramvaiu. era singur si avea treaba.
fie ca ne place sau nu, cainii merg cu tramvaiu'. nu trebuie sa ne ascundem dupa deget. e o realitate pe care trebuie sa o acceptam. cainii sunt si ei oameni.
de ce cainii ii miros pe oameni?
duminică, 6 aprilie 2008
vineri, 4 aprilie 2008
-Stii ... te-am platit cu bani falsi.
-Nu-i nimic,raspunde ea, tu sa fii sanatos...